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Shabbat Chayei Sarah - Mevarchim Kislev

 Shabbat Chayei Sarah - Mevarchim Kislev 


Schedule for Week of  11/13 - 20

Friday/ Shabbat  11/13
Candle Lighting for Shabbat Chayei Sarah   No later than 4:12PM

Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbat  in Social Hall 4:10 PM
Shabbat Chayei Sarah  11/14
1. Morning Services 9 AM 
Please recite all prayers  (except Baruch She'amar)  until Mizmor Shir l'yom Hashabbat before arriving at Synagogue . We begin with Baruch She'amar and Mizmor Shir
2.  Mincha 4:00  PM

3. Motzei Shabbat- Shabbat ends 5:15PM


Havdalah and extended Sermon on Facebook Live Saturday Night  5:45 PM and on zoom

Sunday  11/15
1. Sunday Zoom Shacharit service  @ 8AM

We are working on a new class  - a reading group in the works of  Rabbi Jonathan Sacks OBM.
At the end of the email there is list please choose what you would like to study and email me your choice

Monday 11/16
Morning services @ 7AM by Zoom:

New Jewish Ethics and Thought Class:  Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud

8:30 - 9AM

Also on Facebook Live:

Tuesday 11/17
Morning services by Zoom:

New Jewish Ethics and Thought Class: 
Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM
Also on Facebook Live:

New Class! Explore The Haftarot!
Haftarah -in Depth  7:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 

Also on Facebook Live

Wednesday 11/18
Morning services by Zoom:

No Morning Class

Thursday 11/19
Morning services by Zoom:

New Jewish Ethics and Thought Class: 
Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM

Also on Facebook Live

The Real News!
Torah for Now: Thursday  1PM  
Explore the real current events - pertinent insights the Torah we read this week....

Also on Facebook Live:
The Big Idea  Thursday  7:30 PM EDT: NEW TOPIC!
Conversion to Judaism -an in-depth 3 part series beginning this week 
A much misunderstood area of Judaism- Join us to explore the actual source texts and 3000 years worth of discussion 

Also on Facebook Live:

Friday  11/20
Morning services by Zoom:

Call in information: +1 646 558 8656  Meeting ID: 838 6405 2924  Password: 248365 

New Jewish Ethics and Thought Class: 
Amazing Aggadah - The Non-Legends of the Talmud 
8:30 - 9AM

Also on Facebook Live


Shabbat Toldot  Eve:

Candle Lighting: 4:07PM

Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat : 4:o5 PM

List of Rabbi  Rabbi Sacks' Books to choosr from for our new reading group VOTE please! by sending me an email 
1991: Arguments for the Sake of Heaven
1991: The Persistence of Faith, based on the 1990 BBC Reith Lectures
1992: Crisis and Covenant: Jewish Thought after the Holocaust
1993: One People? Tradition, Modernity and Jewish Unity
1994: Will We Have Jewish Grandchildren?
1995: Faith in the Future
1996: Community of Faith
1997: The Politics of Hope
2000: Celebrating Life: Finding Happiness in Unexpected Places
2000: A Letter in the Scroll (recipient of a 2000 National Jewish Book Award, USA)
2001: A Letter in the Scroll (published in the UK as “Radical Then, Radical Now”)
2002: The Dignity of Difference: How to Avoid the Clash of Civilizations (recipient of the Grawemeyer Prize for Religion (USA) in 2004.)
2003: The Jonathan Sacks Haggada
2004: From Optimism to Hope (A Collection of BBC ‘Thoughts for the Day’)
2005: To Heal a Fractured World: The Ethics of Responsibility
2006: The Authorised Daily Prayer Book. It becomes the leading prayer book for Jewish communities in the UK.
2007: The Home We Build Together: Recreating Society
2009: Covenant and Conversation: Genesis – The Book of the Beginnings (recipient of 2009 National Jewish Book Award (USA).
2009: Future Tense: A Vision for Jews and Judaism in the Global Culture
2009: The Koren Sacks Siddur, the first in a series using texts designed by master typographer Eliyahu Koren, (a leading prayer book for Jewish communities worldwide).
2010: Covenant and Conversation: Exodus – The Book of Redemption
2011: The Great Partnership: God, Science and the Search for Meaning
2011: The Koren Sacks Rosh Hashana Mahzor
(For the UK, this represents the first time in a century that a new set of Mahzorim (festival prayer books) has been published.)
2012: The Koren Sacks Yom Kippur Mahzor
2013 The Koren Sacks Pesach Mahzor, winner of 2014 National Jewish Book Award (USA).
2015: Covenant and Conversation: Leviticus – The Book of Holiness
2015: Not in God’s Name: Confronting Religious Violence published. Not in God’s Name becomes a top-ten Sunday Times bestseller, is widely praised in the UK, US and worldwide, and receives a 2015 National Jewish Book Award (USA).
2015: Lessons in Leadership: A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible
2016: The Koren Sacks Shavuot Mahzor
2016: The Koren Sacks Sukkot Mahzor
2016: Essays in Ethics: A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible
2017: Ceremony & Celebrations (A collated reading of all 5 Introductions written for the Koren mahzorim collection)
2017: Covenant & Conversation: Numbers – The Wilderness Years
2019: Covenant & Conversation: Deuteronomy – Renewal of the Sinai Covenant
March 2020: Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times
September 2020: Judaism’s Life-Changing Ideas: A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible

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