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Showing posts from November, 2020

The return of Chanie Yaffe's Yiddish Class!

  Dear All, We are happy to announce that by popular request, Chanie Yaffe's Yiddish Class and Conversation Group resumes this Tuesday 11/17/2020 Rosh Chodesh Kislev, at 10 AM This interactive group explores the rich tradition of the  Yiddish  language as well as the basic elements of Yiddish speech and grammar. No  particular  level of knowledge is needed, just join us on zoom ( email or call office for link) Or, call into zoom on:  ( email or call office for link) Or,  join us on the Shul Facebook page: torah.1 Looking forward to seeing you (virtually) On Tuesday at 10AM.

Shabbat Chayei Sarah - Mevarchim Kislev

  S habbat Chayei Sarah - Mevarchim Kislev    Schedule  for Week of  11/13 - 20 Friday/ Shabbat  11/13 Candle Lighting for S habbat Chayei Sarah     No later than  4:12PM Mincha /  Kabbalat  Shabbat  in Social Hall 4:10 PM   Sh abbat  Chayei Sarah   11/14 1.  Morning Services 9 AM  Please recite all prayers  (except Baruch She'amar)  until Mizmor Shir l'yom Hashabbat before arriving at Synagogue . We begin with Baruch She'amar and Mizmor Shir 2.   Mincha 4:00  PM 3. Motzei Shabbat- Shabbat ends 5:15PM   Havdalah and extended Sermon on Facebook Live Saturday Night  5:45 PM and on zoom Sunday  11/15 1. Sunday Zoom Shacharit service  @ 8AM NO SUNDAY CLASS  We are working on a new class   - a reading group in the works of  Rabbi Jonathan Sacks OBM. At the end of the email there is list please choose what you would like to study ...
  Politics is the Yetzer Hara's (The Evil Inclination, Satan, whatever you want to call it) weapon of mass distraction. Think of all the hours that we all spent on reading talking and posting about politics. Imagine if those hours had been spent on finding ways to help particular marginalized and sinking people in our communities we know as individuals? How many hours of Torah could have been studied? How much could we have spent in some productive hobby with our kids? Or cultivating some little patch of soil with them, or anything else that adds something to the world. Maimonides says gambling makes a person unfit for testimony in a court of law or any public office because they contribute nothing by their activities to the development of civilization as he puts it " the habitation of the World" The same applies to all this churning on politics. We all should study the candidates and then vote our conscience, but as to all these endless conversations, arguments, posts,...