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Showing posts from October, 2024

Miracles - by Hillel Fuld

 Hillel Fuld: I really don’t think you understand the absolute miracles that we witnessed last night here in Israel. In fact, I am sure you don’t. Let’s break this down. Israel has three air defense systems, each one of them a technological wonder and that’s not me saying it. That’s Dr. Gold who basically invented the Iron Dome who told me that. The level and sophistication of the Iron Dome is simply unparalleled. But the Iron Dome only knows how to detonate short range rockets or missiles within a 70 km range, give or take.  Then Israel has the David’s Sling system. That knows how to deal with mid range missiles up to approximately 300 km.  Then we have the Arrow system that literally detonates missiles that can fly outside of the earth’s atmosphere. That has a range of about 2,400 km!! 🤯 Last night, as Iran rained down ballistic missiles on Israel, all three defense systems were activated and implemented to perfection. The chances of all of these incredibly complex systems working i

The Light Within the Darkness

  This has been a very challenging year for Mishpachat Beit Yisrael – “The Family of the House of Israel” -the entire Jewish people. However, the reason it has been such a difficult period since Shemini Atzeret (10/7), is precisely because we are a family. We don’t always agree with each other, we don’t always stay connected, but we are always bound up in the reality of our relationship. One never stops being a parent, or a child, or a sister, or a brother. We rejoice in the joys of our fellow Jews and mourn with them in their sadness of loss. This then is a actually the dark lining of a beautiful reality. We care deeply about the tragedies befallen Jews we never met, whom we didn’t even know existed because we are part of a greater, indivisible whole. G-d says to us “Atem Edai” – “You (Israel) are my witnesses”. Our existence testifies to G-d’s existence, to G-d’s Providence and to G-d’s deep concern with what human beings do with their lives. G-d is One, Indivisible, yet the Source o